C2HS 0.25.1 "Snowmelt"

30 Mar 2015haskell

I took over the day-to-day support for C2HS about 18 months ago and have now finally cleaned up all the issues on the GitHub issue tracker. It took a lot longer than I was expecting, mostly due to pesky “real work” getting in the way. Now seems like a good time to announce the 0.25.1 “Snowmelt” release of C2HS and to summarise some of the more interesting new C2HS features.

Regression suite and Travis testing

When I first started working on C2HS, I kept breaking things and getting emails letting me know that such-and-such a package no longer worked. That got boring pretty quickly, so I wrote a Shelly-driven regression suite to build a range of packages that use C2HS to check for breakages. This now runs on Travis CI so that whenever a C2HS change is pushed to GitHub, as well as the main C2HS test suite, a bunch of C2HS-dependent packages are built. This has been pretty handy for avoiding some stupid mistakes.

Enum handling

Thanks to work contributed by Philipp Balzarek, the treatment of the mapping between C enum values and Haskell Enum types is now much better than it was. The C enum/Haskell Enum association is kind of an awkward fit, since the C and Haskell worlds make really quite different assumptions about what an “enumerated” type is, and the coincidence of names is less meaningful than you might hope. We might have to do some more work on that in the future: I’ve been thinking about whether it would be good to have a CEnum class in Foreign.C.Types to capture just the features of C enums that can be mapped to Haskell types in a sensible way.

Finalizers for foreign pointers

You can now say things like:

#include <stdio.h>

{#pointer *FILE as File foreign finalizer fclose newtype#}

{#fun fopen as ^ {`String', `String'} -> `File'#}
{#fun fileno as ^ {`File'} -> `Int'#}

main :: IO ()
main = do
  f <- fopen "tst.txt" "w"

and the file descriptor f will be cleaned up by a call to fclose via the Haskell garbage collector. This encapsulates a very common use case for handling pointers to C structures allocated by library functions. Previously there was no direct way to associate finalizers with foreign pointers in C2HS, but now it’s easy.

Easy access to preprocessor constants

C2HS has a new const hook for directly accessing the value of C preprocessor constants–you can just say {#const FOO#} to use the value of a constant FOO defined in a C header in Haskell code.

Special case argument marshalling

I’ve implemented a couple of special mechanisms for argument marshalling that were requested. The first of these is a little esoteric, but an example should make it clear. A common pattern in some C libraries is to have code that looks like this:

typedef struct {
  int a;
  float b;
  char dummy;
} oid;

void func(oid *obj, int aval, float bval);
int oid_a(oid *obj);
float oid_b(oid *obj);

Here the function func takes a pointer to an oid structure and fills in the values in the structure and the other functions take oid pointers and do various things with them. Dealing with functions like func through the Haskell FFI is a tedious because you need to allocate space for an oid structure, marshall a pointer to the allocated space and so on. Now though, the C2HS code

{#pointer *oid as Oid foreign newtype#}

{#fun func as ^ {+, `Int', `Float'} -> `Oid'#}

generates Haskell code like this:

newtype Oid = Oid (ForeignPtr Oid)
withOid :: Oid -> (Ptr Oid -> IO b) -> IO b
withOid (Oid fptr) = withForeignPtr fptr

func :: Int -> Float -> IO Oid
func a2 a3 =
  mallocForeignPtrBytes 12 >>= \a1'' -> withForeignPtr a1'' $ \a1' ->
  let {a2' = fromIntegral a2} in
  let {a3' = realToFrac a3} in
  func'_ a1' a2' a3' >>
  return (Oid a1'')

This allocates the right amount of space using the fast mallocForeignPtrBytes function and deals with all the marshalling for you. The special + parameter in the C2HS function hook definition triggers this (admittedly rather specialised) case.

The second kind of “special” argument marshalling is more general. A lot of C libraries include functions where small structures are passed “bare”, i.e. not as pointers. The Haskell FFI doesn’t include a means to marshal arguments of this type, which makes using libraries of this kind painful, with a lot of boilerplate marshalling code needed (just the kind of thing C2HS is supposed to eliminate!). The solution I came up with for C2HS is to add an argument annotation for function hooks that says that a structure pointer should really be passed as a bare structure. In such cases, C2HS then generates an additional C wrapper function to marshal between structure pointer and bare structure arguments. An example will make this clear. Suppose you have some code in a C header:

typedef struct {
  int x;
  int y;
} coord_t;

coord_t *make_coord(int x, int y);
void free_coord(coord_t *coord);
int coord_x(coord_t c, int dummy);

Here, the coord_x function takes a bare coord_t structure as a parameter. To bind to these functions in C2HS code, we write this:

{#pointer *coord_t as CoordPtr foreign finalizer free_coord newtype#}

{#fun pure make_coord as makeCoord {`Int', `Int'} -> `CoordPtr'#}
{#fun pure coord_x as coordX {%`CoordPtr', `Int'} -> `Int'#}

Here, the % annotation on the CoordPtr argument to the coordX function hook tells C2HS that this argument needs to be marshalled as a bare structure. C2HS then generates Haskell code as usual, but also an extra .chs.c file containing wrapper functions. This C code needs to be compiled and linked to the Haskell code.

This is kind of new and isn’t yet really supported by released versions of Cabal. I’ve made some Cabal changes to support this, which have been merged and will hopefully go into the next or next but one Cabal release. When that’s done, the handling of the C wrapper code will be transparent–Cabal will know that C2HS has generated these extra C files and will add them to the “C sources” list for whatever it’s building.

Binding to variadic C functions

Previously, variadic C functions weren’t supported in C2HS at all. Now though, you can do fun things like this:

#include <stdio.h>

{#fun variadic printf[int] as printi {`String', `Int'} -> `()'#}
{#fun variadic printf[int, int] as printi2 {`String', `Int', `Int'} -> `()'#}
{#fun variadic printf[const char *] as prints {`String', `String'} -> `()'#}

You need to give distinct names for the Haskell functions to be bound to different calling sequences of the underlying C function, and because there’s no other way of finding them out, you need to specify explicit types for the arguments you want to pass in the place of C’s ... variadic argument container (that’s what the C types in the square brackets are). Once you do that, you can call printf and friends to your heart’s content. (The user who wanted this feature wanted to use it for calling Unix ioctl...)

User-defined default marshallers

A big benefit of C2HS is that it tries quite hard to manage the associations between C and Haskell types and the marshalling of arguments between C and Haskell. To that end, we have a lot of default marshallers that allow you very quickly to write FFI bindings. However, we can’t cover every case. There were a few long-standing issues (imported from the original Trac issue tracker when I moved the project to GitHub) asking for default marshalling for various C standard or “standardish” typedefs. I held off on trying to fix those problems for a long time, mostly because I thought that fixing them one at a time as special cases would be a little futile and would just devolve into endless additions of “just one more” case.

In the end, I implemented a general scheme to allow users to explicitly associate C typedef names with Haskell types and to define default marshallers between them. As an example, using this facility, you can write code to marshal Haskell String values to and from C wide character strings like this:

#include <wchar.h>

{#typedef wchar_t CWchar#}
{#default in `String' [wchar_t *] withCWString* #}
{#default out `String' [wchar_t *] peekCWString* #}
{#fun wcscmp {`String', `String'} -> `Int'#}
{#fun wcscat {`String', `String'} -> `String'#}

I think that’s kind of fun...


As well as the features described above, there’s a lot more that’s been done over the last 18 months: better handling of structure tags and typedefs; better cross-platform support (OS X, FreeBSD and Windows); lots more default marshallers; support for parameterised pointer types; some vague gestures in the direction of “backwards compatibility” (basically just a C2HS_MIN_VERSION macro); and just in the last couple of days, some changes to deal with marshalling of C bool values (really C99 _Bool) which aren’t supported directly by the Haskell FFI (so again require some wrapper code and some other tricks).


As well as myself and Manuel Chakravarty, the original author of C2HS, the following people have contributed to C2HS development over the last 18 months (real names where known, GitHub handles otherwise):

Many thanks to all of them, and many thanks also to Benedikt Huber, who maintains the language-c package on which C2HS is critically dependent!

What next?

All of the work I’ve done on C2HS has been driven purely by user demand, based on issues I imported from the original Trac issue tracker and then on things that people have asked for on GitHub. (Think of it as a sort of call-by-need exploration of the C2HS design space.) I’m now anticipating that since I’ve raised my head above the parapet by touting all these shiney new features, I can expect a new stream of bug reports to come in...

One potential remaining large task is to “sort out” the Haskell C language libraries, of which there are now at least three, all with different pros and cons. The language-c library used in C2HS has some analysis capabilities that aren’t present in the other libraries, but the other libraries (notably Geoffrey Mainland’s language-c-quote and Manuel’s language-c-inline) support more recent dialects of C. Many of the issues with C2HS on OS X stem from modern C features that occur in some of the OS X headers that the language-c package just doesn’t recognise. Using one of the other C language packages might alleviate some of those problems. To do that though, some unholy mushing-together of language-c and one of these other packages has to happen, in order to bring the analysis capabilities of language-c to the other package. That doesn’t look like much fun at all, so I might ignore the problem and hope it goes away.

I guess longer term the question is whether tools like C2HS really have a future. There are better approaches to FFI programming being developed by research groups (Manuel’s is one of them: this talk is pretty interesting) so maybe we should just wait until they’re ready for prime time. On the other hand, quite a lot of people seem to use C2HS, and it is pretty convenient.

One C2HS design decision I’ve recently had to modify a little is that C2HS tries to use only information available via the “official” Haskell FFI. Unfortunately, there are situations where that just isn’t enough. The recent changes to marshal C99 _Bool values are a case in point. In order to determine offsets into structures containing _Bool members, you need to know how big a _Bool is. Types that are marshalled by the Haskell FFI are all instances of Storable, so you can just use the size method from Storable for this. However, the Haskell FFI doesn’t know anything about _Bool, so you end up having to “query” the C compiler for the information by generating a little C test program that you compile and run. (You can find out which C compiler to use from the output of ghc --info, which C2HS thus needs to run first.) This is all pretty nasty, but there’s no obvious other way to do it.

This makes me think, since I’m having to do this anyway, that it might be worth reorganising some of C2HS’s structure member offset calculation code to use the same sort of “query the C compiler” approach. There are some cases (e.g. structures within structures) where it’s just not possible to reliably calculate structure member offsets from the size and alignment information available through the Haskell FFI–the C compiler is free to insert padding between structure members, and you can’t work out just by looking when a particular compiler is going to do that. Generating little C test programs and compiling and running them allows you to get the relevant information “straight from the horse’s mouth”... (I don’t know whether this idea really has legs, but it’s one thing I’m thinking about.)